Theatre Battery Presents

A Maze

By Rob Handel, Directed by Logan Ellis

A Maze is a play that doesn’t tell the audience precisely what’s happening until about halfway through, at which time we experience one of the most satisfyingly written reveals that I have ever read in a script. The stories of a rockstar in rehab, a survivor of a mysterious kidnapping, and a fairy tale king and queen trapped within a great magical maze converge in a genius plot structure that was a feast to actualize with an ensemble and creative team. Thinking deeply about celebrity, trauma, and the ethics of making sacrifices for “truthful art” - Rob Handel’s wholly unique story continues to haunt me.

Creative Team: Brandon Estrella (Scenic Design), Mary Wheaton (Costume Design), Elizabeth Steele (Lighting Design), Lindsey Morck (Sound Design), Barbara Cawley (Stage Manager), Gianna Gargiulo and Rebecca White (Dramaturg), Tobias McCurry (Technical Director), Kathryn Stewart (Casting Director)

Featuring: Kait Mahoney, Phillip Keiman, Caleb Cabrera, Kia Pierce, Marquicia Dominique, Jonelle Jordan, Chris Shea, JP Hamilton

Production Photos: Leilani Saper, Click & Tell Photography