Yale Cabaret Presents

Non-Player Character

By Walt McGough, Directed by Logan Ellis

Having workshopped Non-Player Character with Walt at the Bay Area Playwrights Festival in 2016, I was excited to propose this to the Yale Cabaret as a collaboration with the CCAM department at Yale. Undergraduate game developer Jack Wesson and I created an original game engine within the Unity program as the interactive projected backdrop for this new play about the gender politics of online video games in the Gamergate era. In a last moment surprise, Sohina Sidhu was called upon to replace an actor at Yale Rep, so the heroic Rachel Kenney went on in the leading role with one hour of rehearsal and script in hand - a memorable exercise in keeping a show in the air. A Yale Cabaret adventure in my first year at the school.

Creative Team: Alexander McCargar (Secnic Design), April Hickman (Costume Design), Daphne Agosin (Lighting Design), Megumi Katayama and Roxy Jia (Sound Design), Christopher Evans (Projections Designer), Jack Wesson (Original Game Design), Cate Worthington (Stage Manager), Alex Vermillion (Dramaturg), Samantha Else (Technical Director), Jason Najjoum (Line Producer)

Featuring: Rachel Kenney, Sohina Sidhu, Dario Ladani Sanchez, Anula Navlekar, Alex Vermillion, Jason Najjoum, John Evans Reese

Production Photos: Cab Staff

Press: New Haven Review