Marin Theatre Company Presents
The Jungle Book
By Greg Banks, based on stories by Rudyard Kipling, Directed by Logan Ellis
The Jungle Book has to be the most physically demanding play I have worked on: a jungle gym set, large stage, flying monkeys, puppets, two weeks of rehearsal, and an audience of children. I grew close quickly with the company of actors on this work as we climbed around playgrounds rapidly staging this piece of TYA madness. With my longtime collaborator Sango Tajima, we adapted the text of the play to feature a female version of the story’s hero Mowgli.
Creative Team: Yusuke Soi (Secnic Design), Natalie Barshow (Costume Design), Danny Osburn (Lighting Design), Edna Mira Raia (Sound Design), Rachel Hurado (Props Designer), Alicia Lerner (Stage Manager), Rena Laurie (Production Assistant)
Featuring: Sango Tajima, Kenneth Toll, Jasmine Osbourne, John R. Lewis, Khalia Davis
Production Photos: Jeff Berlin
Press: KQED Arts